Parent Groups
Home & School Association
The Home and School Association (HSA) promotes the spiritual and educational objectives of the home and school with a program of Catholic education and promotes an understanding of the mutual educational responsibility of parents and faculty. All faculty, staff and parents are members of the HSA. Dues are included in the tuition.
The primary functions of the HSA are:
- Organize social activities, such as picnics, breakfast with parents, etc. for the school community.
- Provide a forum for faculty and parents to discuss areas of concern to the school.
- Assist in the financial support of Star of the Sea School through fund-raising programs.
School Board
The School Board is a consultative body to the principal in the areas of finance, long range planning, development and building and grounds. Members are chosen from local parishes and from the school community. As per diocesan policy, employees and spouses of employees may not serve as members of the board.
Passive Fundraisers

Passive Fundraisers are a simple way to help Star of the Sea School when shopping for your groceries, household products, or other goods. Please check out the various opportunities below to see where you can help!
Box Tops for Education
Clipping box tops is one of the easiest ways to earn money for our school! Simply clip the Box Tops from a variety of household products (see RenWeb for a complete list of
products) and send them in with your child. SOS earns 10 cents for every box top collected!
Kroger/Harris Teeter
If you shop at Kroger or Harris Teeter, swing by the customer service desk and ask them to link your card to SOS. A portion of your purchases will go back to the school!
Shoparoo App
Download the Shoparoo app to your phone and snap pictures of your receipts from ANY store that sells food, health, or beauty items. It doesn’t matter where you shop or what you buy, shoparoo makes a cash donation for every receipt.