Health / Clinic
Star of the Sea Catholic School is blessed to have an available Registered Nurse that is present during the hours of 8am – 2pm daily. A nurse is available if your child becomes sick during the school day. Our nurse will also work with your family to create and provide a plan for those children who have ongoing health issues.
During the first week of school, an Emergency Information form will be sent home with your child. This must be completed and returned immediately to the school.
Please also complete the Emergency Contact Form through the parent portal, FACTS SIS. Feel free to list several emergency contacts. This information is used to contact the parent/guardian in an emergency situation, while your child is in school. Also, be sure to indicate if your child has any medical conditions that we should be made aware of. We ask that you please complete this part of the form each year.
Please contact the clinic via email or give us a call if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child for the nurse to address.
Sam Wood, RN, BSN [email protected]
Monica Baragar, RN, BSN [email protected]
School phone number: 757-428-8400 ext. 14
Frequently asked questions
Is my child too sick to attend school today?
- Chickenpox: school exclusion for seven days or until vesicles become dry.
- Conjunctivitis (pink eye): Students may not attend if discharge is present and must be treated with an antibiotic for at least 24 hours before returning to school. A note from the doctor is required to return to school.
- Bacterial infections: May return once the child has been on antibiotics for twenty-four hours, and is fever free for twenty-four hours.
- Vomiting, diarrhea and/or fever: May not return to school unless the student has not vomited for twenty-four hours, has not had diarrhea for twenty-four hours and has not had a fever for twenty-four hours.
- Head Lice: Must be nit and louse-free. Prior to returning to school, the child must be checked by the school nurse.
What if my child has severe allergies, such as peanuts?
- Students with food allergies must provide their own snack/special treats for parties to be stored, labeled and placed in a covered container. This will be kept in the students classroom.
- An epi-pen may be stored in the clinic, cafeteria and or classroom. *A student must have an Allergy Action Plan form completed/signed by their doctor, that is to be given to the school nurse prior to the school year starting.
- A list of your child’s allergies is always on hand in order to keep the classroom safe.
My child has asthma; is she/he able to carry their inhaler with them?
- The nurse safely administers and keeps all medications, including inhalers in the clinic.
- However, if your child has severe asthma this will be permitted with a doctor’s signed Asthma Action Plan stating the necessity for the child to have it with them at all times.
Can my child take medication at school?
Yes, your child can receive over the counter medication and prescription medication when the below requirements are met:
- The child must have a signed Medication Administration Form completed by their doctor and signed by the parent.
- The medication must be delivered to the clinic in the original box and only by the parent/an adult. The medication MAY NOT be brought to school by the child.
Medical Forms
Wellness Program
During our school year, 1, 3, 5, and 7 graders have the opportunity to participate in a vision and hearing screen done here at our school clinic.
We Promote Physical Education
- Physical Education is essential in keeping our students active and healthy to promote overall wellness. Teaching fitness at an early age allows for healthy habits later in their adult life.
- Students learn about health, nutrition, stretching appropriate muscles, physical fitness, sportsmanship/teamwork and how to play various sports.
- Twice each year, our students run the mile in order to participate in the Presidential Fitness Assessment.
- We offer team sports to promote leadership and teamwork, such as; basketball, swim, track and field, golf, field hockey, and cheerleading.