Orff Pedagogy:
The music curriculum at Star of the Sea includes general music classes for grades preschool through eighth grade, with an emphasis on playing classroom percussion and Orff instruments.
Note-reading starts immediately at the PreK-3 level, differentiating between line notes and space notes; and the process of becoming proficient progresses from there through 8th grade.
*New this year: Star Strings is the new Kindergarten Violin Program at Star of the Sea Catholic School! Suzuki violin method is taught weekly in music class as part of the curriculum. Group, individual, and buddy lessons are offered for maximum development. FACT: Music is one of the only activities that activates, stimulates, and uses the entire brain!
- Star Strings (Kindergarten)
- Star Strings (Grade 1)
- Star Choir
Ongoing in all grades and Ensembles:
- Singing alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music
- Performing on instruments, alone and with others, with a variety of sound sources
- Improvises melodies, variations, and accompaniments using a variety of sound sources
- Recognizing and expressing the order and beauty of God’s creation in music
- Participating in the music programs in the school and community
- Recognizing music as a means of communicating feelings and ideas
- Demonstrating good citizenship and respect for others and their work
- Demonstrating proper care of musical instruments and materials
- Developing a sense of personal satisfaction and self-esteem through music
- Recognizing that the fine arts are a means of developing and reinforcing Christian ideals
- Musical Pulse
- Simple Rhythms
- Singing on pitch
- Playing accompaniments on the Orff instruments and hand held rhythm instruments
- Line notes/Space notes on the Treble Staff
- Movement
- Participates musically in school Liturgies, Paraliturgies, and Carol Night
- All students in kindergarten participate in learning to play violin, utilizing the Suzuki method. E & A strings, fingers 1, 2 and 3 on each. Proper care and playing position, respectful handling of the violin, practice and goals.
First-Third Grade
- All students in first grade continue with violin playing. Review E & A strings. New: D & G strings using fingers 1, 2, and 3 on each.
- All students in second grade continue with violin playing. Focus this year on reading Standard Notation in the treble clef, transitioning from the beginning Suzuki method, to a notated method of Violin which will serve them for a lifetime of understanding most musical instrument notation, and apply to every aspect of reading music.
- Singing on Pitch
- Musical Pulse
- Simple Rhythms
- Playing accompaniments in the Orff instruments and hand held rhythm instruments
- Line notes/Space notes – Treble Clef
- Basic music symbols that notate rhythm, meter, and dynamics
- Movement
- Participates musically in school Liturgies, Paraliturgies, and Carol Night
- Explore keyboard patterns, identity “C” and white keys
- Choir
Fourth-Fifth Grade
- Playing the Soprano Recorder
- Reading standard symbols to notate meter, rhythm, pitch, and dynamics
- Using appropriate terminology to explain music, music notation, musical instrument and voices, and musical
- Improvises melodies, variations, and accompaniments using a variety of sound sources
- Singing on pitch
- Playing Orff instruments and rhythm instruments to accompany singing and recorder playing
- Playing ukuleles
- Utilize interactive software (Compose Yourself) as an introduction to music composition
- Participates musically in school Liturgies, Paraliturgies, and Carol Night
Sixth-Eighth Grade
- Performs with expression and technical accuracy a varied repertoire of instrumental literature using classroom instruments
- Improvises melodies, variations, and accompaniments using a variety of sound sources
- Notate quarter, eighth, half and whole notes; notate quarter rests
- Harmony; chord tones, non-chord tones; upper and lower neighbors, passing tones
- Simple chord progression/blues progressions
- Ensemble playing on keyboards
- Music History
- Participate musically in school Liturgies, Paraliturgies, and Carol Night