- Students attend weekly and monthly mass with the entire student body
- Attend mass on Holy Days of Obligation when school is in session
- Participate in Prayer Services
- Reconciliation during Advent and Lent
- The Ten Commandments
- The Beatitudes
- Service projects
- Prayer partner activities
- Maintenance review (daily)
- Place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, geometry, fractions and decimals, probability and statistics, graphing, and measurement
- Problem-solving experiences
- Maintenance review (daily)
- Earth History
- Ecosystems
- Electricity and Magnetism
- Forms of Energy
- Hydrosphere
- Matter
- Organisms
- Plants
- Solar System
- Weather
- Weekly lab experiments
Social Studies
(Fourth grade topics are explored from a Virginian perspective)
- Virginia’s geography
- Virginia’s major regions
- Virginia history
- Early exploration
- Jamestown
- American Revolution
- Declaration of Independence
- Constitution
- Civil War
- Reconstruction
- Twentieth Century
Language Arts
- Guided reading groups: graphic organizers, comprehension strategies including characterization, plot, theme, figurative language, point of view and using context clues to understand key vocabulary.
- Use of leveled readers online to supplement and support a differentiated reading approach.
- Book reports/book chats
- Writing products may include personal narrative, persuasive essay, “how-to” paragraph, descriptive writing, friendly letter, and poetry.
- Daily oral language activities
- Grammar lessons
- Diagramming sentences, context clues, dictation (spelling)
- Weekly spelling tests
- Grammar review through maintenance sheets
- Practice oral speaking
Use of technology is integrated throughout the curriculum. Examples include:
- Quia, Edmodo
- SOS4 Wikispaces
- NASA eClips
- National Geographic
- Grammar Blast
- Character scrapbook
- ThinkReadWrite
- Word Girl
- Google Docs, Slides, Sites
Students also participate in the following Specials:
Art, Computer, Library, Music, PE, Spanish, “Genius Hour” Electives